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Your therapist may make the recommendation that analysis or psychodynamic therapy is the best form of therapy to go through. Although many problems can be helped with suggestion therapy, it does not remove the root cause of the behaviour or symptom.  Analytical therapy will completely remove the root cause of the problem and any relief will be complete.


Whatever your presenting problem is, your therapist has decided that it is caused by a 'locked in' emotion in your subconscious mind.  These locked away emotions are triggered by a mistaken or limiting belief attached to a memory from our younger years.  This primarily happens to us when we are younger because our minds, our psyche is still immature and does not yet have the learnings necessary to process the emotion.  The subconscious locks away the memory in order to prevent our young minds from having to deal with the perceived trauma.  This is where the saying of 'let sleeping dogs lie' comes from.  These memories along with the attached storm of emotion are those sleeping dogs and the saying is very true.  If indeed they are sleeping, you are not disturbing them and they will not affect you.  But what happens laterin life when events occur which challenge these deeply held beliefs and values?  The current events are processed at many levels within the brain and a conflict occurs.  Our reference system flags up that something is different, that there is a perceived threat to our wellbeing that is based on these outdated, mistaken or limiting beliefs.   Remember you have no knowledge of what these are because you have no conscious awareness of them.   Your mind has locked them away in order to 'protect' you.  Those locked away emotions are triggered to prevent you from repeating the perceived trauma.  This is why hypnotherapy can help quickly where conventional therapies such as counselling or psychotherapy may not because it allows the individual to reach deeply into their subconscious mind.


These locked away emotions are like a form of energy buzzing away deep within.  This energy has to be released somehow and so the subconscious tries to release them in a disguised form.  This can be in the form of a fear or phobia, panic attacks, or even a physical symptom such as skin rashes etc.   The subconscious mind will just keep trying and trying to release them.  Unfortunately it doesn't work.  The only way to remove them completely is to bring the outdated mistaken or limiting beliefs into conscious awareness so that the conscious mind can resolve and release them.  Once the locked away emotions have been resolved and released, they are gone for good and you experience a lasting relief from your problem without risk of symptom substitution.  Childhood emotion that has been locked away does not mature and so is more easily processed with the adult mind and all the learnings that have taken place subsequent to the originating event.  It can quite often be something that the adult mind perceives to be quite trivial.  Even where this is not the case, further therapy is applied to ensure total resolution is achieved.  After completing analytical therapy, not only will you feel generally happier and more content, it brings about long lasting relief from the physical symptoms that are linked to the locked away emotions and beliefs that have been released and updated in treatment.


Lets look at an oversimplified example to demonstrate: lets imagine a small child who is constantly lectured on 'Stranger Danger', but not in a balanced way, it is constantly drummed into their young mind that strangers are out to get you, they are not to be trusted, that strangers are bad and dangerous, frightening if you like.  Fast forward twenty years to an individual who is out in the big wide world, trying to form social relationships, interact with colleagues at work and generally find their path through life in an amiable way.  But wait!  Everytime they are at a party, a social gathering or meeting new people at work, they feel uncomfortable, maybe their heart races, they may find themselves blushing in the most awkward fashion or stuttering and stammering each time they try to hold a conversation with someone they don't know very well, perhaps so badly that for fear of embarrassing themselves, they simply give up and go home feeling miserable, relieved to back in the safety of their own home.  They are in the grip of a social phobia and feel helpless and miserable about it. They have no idea why they are so uncomfortable around new people, no idea why the thought of meeting new friends and forming relationships is so terrifying, they know that life would be so much easier if they were more outgoing and sociable and had a good network of friends and good relationships with colleagues at work.  They have long forgotten the those frightening lectures and warnings but they are still unconsciously operating on the mistaken and limiting belief that strangers mean danger and you should keep away. Once this belief is brought to conscious awareness through the application of psychodynamic therapy or hypno-analysis the belief is easily updated, either spontaneously, or using techniques such as coherence therapy or memory reconsolidation.  Once a new, more helpful belief is in place, the need for the symptom; the social phobia has disappeared and the individual will be symptom free.


Analysis is not instant, it can take anything from four sessions upwards although it is rare for it to require more than ten when hypnosis or simple relaxation is used.  This may sound like a long time but in reality, you are only taking a few hours spread over a few weeks for maximum effectiveness.

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